Dickhead Killjoy

Also saw it in the theater. Haven't seen that many people walk out of a movie, like, ever?

I keep a list in me phone for such reasons. The short term memory is…uh, what were we talking about?

Hmmm. Trying to think of the 3rd CD I ever owned. That's a toughie.

Oh jesus, now I'm reminded of the classic "Smooth"

People said Celine was the worst canadian export. No, no, BNL hold that honor.

That new Gorillaz… I'm not quite sure what to make of it.

holy shit, that sounds fucking terrible

Worse still, that song had the dreaded "crossover appeal" so it would be played on many different types of stations.

Cumbersome, Seven Mary Three.

I respekt your honesty.

Oh hell, go see Hard Eight asap. So good.

Ohhh you beat me by 2 seconds, you bastard you!

This looks about right. I'd swap Eight and Blood, though.


DMB's tour bus dumped shit all over you?

Hard Eight or gtfo.

Maybe the kinjapocalypse will unite us.

I guess the Dallases don't shit gold after all, eh?

Watched 2nd ep at a bar. Twas pretty fun.

also, he's a country music star now, so he's kinda playing to his base here.