Dickhead Killjoy

dancing on the ceiling

Ahh, he apologized and was forgiven. No harm, no fowl.

I've checked all the dog asses in the neighborhood. Neighbors are getting increasingly suspicious.

It's true, I enjoy some of Arcade Fire's catalog, forgive me!

It's definitely got nostalgia factor going for me as I read them as a teen. I re-read the first two recently and enjoyed the 1st, but got real tired in the 2nd. Many eye roll moments. Eh, whatevs!

Ayuh, time for a wicked jazz flute solo, I can feel it coming!

What? Old Testament? God is a prick in that, no thanks!

Think we've all had some questionable views on the Japanese at one point or another. They're a complicated people.

Trying to fix my dishwasher and the Bible's instructions are not helping AT ALL.

I go to the library to print stuff and I listen to TAL when I feel like getting angry at Ira Glass.

"Politics aside, tonight is about me!"

*studio audience gets confused, starts booing*

Nekkid ladies, you say? Go on…


I can't NOT look at deviantart!

Simpler times.

Keeping it OG.

Overplaying a song can really kill it, oh yahh.

I got a weird love/hate with Chicano Batman. It is kind of cloyingly happy. Friendship ain't their best tune, tho.

ahhh, think I only heard 3rd & 4th. Will check out 1st two. Thankee.