Dickhead Killjoy

Y'all should write a screenplay. Call it "Bitches Amusing Evening".

Women be womenining!


I wonder what this "Kidnap" movie is about. Probably talking cars.

Spreading cheddar over white women you say…

Make me some nachos with that cheddar, ma!

Moms, man. We all got one. Some two.



Oh, you're bad.

*extremely loud cash register sound*

VOD filler, I would assume.

Be honest, 2-3m tops

Hoping Ignatiy tears it to fuckin' pieces. Dude is on a roll lately.

Halle Berry, fire your goddamn agent already.

Ah-ha! I had a feeling they were being fed such ideas at an impressionable age.

See, turn that frown upside down with death, destruction and blood! Blood! SWEET SWEET BLOOD!

Fair point!

Oh heyyy, don't cry.

Ohh, here we go.