Dickhead Killjoy

Some have said this is a bit of a disappointment. I'm kinda torn, as I've been enjoying most of it.

What's that stuff…used to eat it all the time back in the day…oh, right! Pussy!

I stand corrected.

Guess I'm just unlucky with engineers. :-/

Adrenaline junkies!

More potatoes than a Gallagher bros fight!

Usually that is what solo album means, no? This is not the case, though.

They're back, I hear. Or so Twitter tells me.

Fixed gear dipshits, usually. The guys in full on racing bike regalia are usually OK, generally. Aggressive, but respectful.

I don't know what they teach in engineering school, but I get the feeling it's mostly how to be an arrogant prick to literally everyone around you.

Government'll do the math for you. And send your corpse out to a potter's field.

Funny, my neighbor yells at me to turn down the Dead Weather albums I play at 3am all the time.

A regular jigsaw puzzle, this one.

Dat ass tho.

I…I think he just did! The gauntlet has been thrown!

Makes sense. So boxy and square.

Ah, the Simple life.

I'm shopping around for a new handle.

Why would the tv lie