Dickhead Killjoy

A true classic.

Hear ya on the burbs, sure. It's a huge problem here in Toronto. People hop from the road to the sidewalk/crosswalks willy nilly, and pay no mind to any type of traffic rules. It's infuriating and insanely dangerous.

HD Buttercup.

I'm not gonna make a Nick Cave joke. No way.

Think I might pick up W3 for winter, then when spring comesā€¦RED DEAD 2!!

Stay off the goddamn sidewalk though. Only gigantic pieces of shit ride on the sidewalk. Oy, if I had a louisvilleā€¦

You monster!

Cool. Mint Chocolate chip please. And make it snappy.

I found little Billy, dead in his Jolly Jumper, and a crayon note that just read "Hazzxffjjjjffft"

Toddler suicide is a growing problem.

Everyone was screaming WITCHER 3 at me a while back. Sounds like a good 'un.

Might try to parlay those two games into a racing game and an extra controller. Doubtful, but worth a shot.

Keep it up! You'll reach the top of sandcastle mountain soon enough, and bask in the majestic vista.

Amen. AMEN!

Yeah, just search the hell out of your parameters/locations.

Works every time.

*calls bookie*

Gotta search for 'em. But their search functions are pretty impressive, generally.
Posting resume didn't work too well. Only craptacular jobs reached out.

Almost got in a fistfight with my buddy over pizza rolls vs pizza bagels.

Hell yes. Indeed is the way to go. It's how i've found my last two jobs.