Dickhead Killjoy

It is rather cathartic, isn't it?

Jr. sitting up, all wide eyed, in bed was hi-larious.

I announce the royal births! AT THE TOP O' ME BLOODY LUNGS!

That's hard, this is rather easy.

"After going through the 1st page of multiple choice questions, I just started picking "D" for every single one, just to get out of the cramped room and go spend my 5 pound voucher at Aldi."

Gotta give British "scientists" something to do, I suppose.

It is a British list, therefore invalid.

what's so funny about our birthright, old people?

*group of lobbyists nod, smile*

*closes eyes, opens mouth, counts on fingers*

Figures. All that sugar must make them hyper & horny as fuck.

Every brand new day, a brand new low.

History, doomed to repeat itself over and over.

Wish I had more hands so I could give coal four thumbs down!

Great minds think alike! And he does look like that, except not jolly.

And the free market laughs and laughs.

It's that whole bizarre "voting against your own best interests" that has perplexed us, more so as of late.

Ladies and gentlemen, our new Secretary of Labor: Pickle!

Ahhh, ya turn your back for one second to take a toot of powdered sugar and…

Malignant dwarf Jeff Sessions?