Dickhead Killjoy

What'd the five fingers say to the face?

Anyone see that new Unabomber show? I like the people working on the show, but seeing the trailers the cast and story looked real problematic. Might check 'er out.

Maybe quit acting, too. Yeesh.

I remember Gun! Hell, was just thinking about it the other day, trying to remember if it had existed or not. Turns out, it does!

Parsons was a fairly interesting guy, was also involved with ol' L Ron Hubbard. But I don't think CBS All Access (pretty late getting into streaming, eh, fucko Moonves?) is the right place to tell it.

think it was mainly just the heart rip scene that really irked some folks.

All that lady did was just scream and scream and screaaaaaam.

Not really sure, she just always rubbed me the wrong way.

The fat jokes are strong here today. Nice.

Oh, we'll remember.

Tired ass sitcom writing at it's best.

wtf, that is messed up

I think I heard somewhere she moved her whole family to the east coast and then got fired abruptly. Shitty all around, if true.

Wonder what she did to piss off James. Harsh!

Turns out, Kevin is a serial killer.

I hear that dude is pretty intense.

I read a few Hap & Leonard books a long time back, but holy cow, that TV show is absolutely terrible.

"Killed off" aka she left him for someone who can actually see his own dick when he looks down

Been dipping my toe over at Tolerability Index in anticipation for the impending Kinjapocalypse.

Charlie, I think your mom is a prostitute…