Dickhead Killjoy

Better not be the video of the chimp making the frog fellate him again…

what's wrong with being sexy

Smell the Glove or gtfo!

"The residents of Boca Vista are warring with La Mer Vista over hot-tub privileges again, sir."

A gutentag question. I don't know any. We got any AVC Germans who can weigh in on it?

Calls 'em like I sees 'em!

I'll leap all I goddamn want to, Cap'n.

Yeah, that one bothered me too. I didn't watch HC.

MJ for Water Polo Hall of Fame.

huh, seems to be getting decent discussions going just about everywhere. Nice twitter dig, though, real original.

People keep using High Castle as a comparison and I see the connection regarding free expression/art, but I'm sorry, the civil war/slavery is a different part of American history. Happened on American soil and still ripples through our socio-political climate to this very day. It hits very close to home.

Oh, definitely. But again, the key here is empathy. There are many, many people in America that do not get a fair shake every single day. Making art about "hey, what if it was much, much worse?" is incredibly uncool.

All dye-jobs. Liars!

Doesn't mean we have to like any of those ideas. Although the MJ idea intrigues me.

You surely can empathize with people as to why they're not thrilled with this premise, though, right?

Blontario! And it is apparently totally separate from bla lives matter USA which is kinda perplexing, no?

Sure, but the premise alone has caused a lot of….how you say, discomfort?

we even have our own bla lives matter up here, too, just like 'Merica!


What, Bob Maitland said it first! Why do i always get in trouble…