Dickhead Killjoy

Communists, of course.

I mean, clearly Dr. Pepper. Standing in the background, waiting for the bodies to drop so he can sweep in like a white fucking knight and conquer Cola Land once and for all!

Who gives, a fuck?

I didn't choose my name, twas bestowed on me by god above. And a drunken, syphilitic merchant marine.

Whaaaat, her breasts WERE covered in confectionary sugar, he was just stating the obv

Pa Killjoy always loves to blame the Serbs/Croats. For the more recent ones, anyway.

Well then, the ransom just went up 20%.


Gary Oldman, Tiptoes, Best Supporting Actor Oscar Nom

"Short, lively and utterly gripping!" - Peter Travers

Why, all of them, of course. He's a white man in America.

That Munchkin asshole got a cabinet position AND a fuckin' Oscar.

Peter Travers?

Was trying to figure out how to make this joke, but the gears were grinding

Still feverishly working on my Yellow Pages screenplay. Gonna be a hoot.

Ah, we all forgave him for that. He was going through a difficult period.

And crappy cinema.

That thesaurus movie is gonna be a shit show.

whaddya mean I'm banned from the aquarium?!

Surreal times, y'all