Dickhead Killjoy

Chis Brown?

flagged 'em. blocked 'em.

"Uhh, that doesn't really fit the meter, R…"

All use the same PR firm intern, probably.

The onion has probably killed more people than Satan, so… yeah, evil sounds about right.

Full steam ahead on the bullshit train.

thank goodness!

First 3/4 was excellent. Then it kinda slid. But still better than most of the shite out there. Great soundtrack, too.

I 'member that one!

This just isn't funny at all anymore.

This asshole has bank, he'll be just fine.

Let the bodies hit the floor!

Ain't many trumpsters up here that i've seen. I've met a few but they're not as…loud, I guess?

I keep telling my co-worker that, but she will not stfu.

Mee tooooo

And hence highly fire-able.

Rumors flying out there that he has released revenge porn of her, too.

"Oh really? The HR Manager and I need to set up a meeting with you, Chad."

Guess they will now. The bar has fallen so low it has almost hit the earth's friggin' core!

Damn snooty sentient cocaine!