Dickhead Killjoy


can't wait for the tinder movie…

I did start it, so… eh

think Andy is touring his "Monsters" series right now. Man, hoping to hell they record that.

Yeaahhh, there were a lot of missing all-stars at the table for cbb500. And it felt oddly short for an anniversary ep.

Love me some Deakins.

Rumors flying that Mooch has released revenge porn of his wife.

Cracker Barrel. Make them eat the grey paste gravy!

My buddy got me that HDTGM Zardoz Mantzoukas shirt for my birthday and I am such a happy li'l boy.

Hell, give him a few weeks!

Oh dear!

AG Sessions is gonna hear about this malarkey, by God!

his "loving wife" is a pile of cocaine?

Oscar Isaac, no relation.

*alpha gets blasted in the face with jizz through nearby porthole*

Dropping at break-neck speed!

I thought you adjourned court for the day out of 'spect for Sam Shepard!

Fanboys must approve of that, c'mon!

It won an Oscar. Fucking deal with it.

Rundown is my fav Rock movie. Also my fave Peter Berg movie. That guy sucks.