Dickhead Killjoy

Hard call.

I dunno, even when we saw Fury Road in IMAX 3D, the 3D aspect didn't really add much to the experience as I recall. Saw it in regular theatre a few days after.

Doc McGuillicuddy said I should be on an oral prescription, but the side effects of those pills are worse than the rash. Creams seem to help, but it's not disappearing.

You take that back, damnit!

Guess he didn't apologize. They forgave that fake autobiography guy.

Ye olde "haters gon hate" comes to mind. What, he has, like, 4 books?

Bangs gets so much hate on twitter

Kinda…hard to miss. I mean, look at the size of 'em!

His publisher paid good money for that Time award!

I guess. Had no one "taken down" Franzen at that point?

telephone book don't count!

No props from me. That joyce based dig is weak.

Oh, I thought those furnaces ran on copy editor corpses.

Eh, coulda used more adjectives. C+.

Killing Lincoln, somehow still #1

They deserve it after hiring that ass clown Bret Stephens.

reviewing books, dancing about architecture

Just give us a full season of Lapkus & House of Piss' Earliest Show, goddamnit.

Sam Jackson as Gary Oldman? Huh!

Utz crab chips!