Dickhead Killjoy

I have had a crazy craving for jalapeno poppers for about a week. Tonight's the goddamn night.

sour cream & sriracha ones I tried were OK. No one seems to capture that authentic sriracha kick tho.

A box of fine taffy is en route via pony express, sir!

Every. Damn. Year!

*self releases financial info*

a hip, a hop, a hippity hop and ya don't stop, ha-haaa yuuhhh!

Just as the good lord intended!

Leakers claim I'm actually 40. Where is the long form birf certificate. Sad!

Thanks, I can feel the PCBs & dodo egg whites working their magic!

Cor blimey, 'tis Dickhead Killjoy's birthday!

That is an interesting choice for a fav, Ruth.

speaking of Misery, going to see Mann's Thief tomorrow night. Remastered, should be a treat.

Fish foie grais!

As DJ Qualls is wont to do.

I disliked Green Mile very much, both in book and movie form.

Due to the lawsuits, don't really consider that a King adaptation.

Busted! Forgot about those. I can't remember much of Cujo, Firestarter, or Christine though. I dunno, does Carrie count?

wouldn't know, hellbound for sure

I don't know what the problem is with King adaptations, but my theory is…the further the director/screenplay gets away from the source material, the better. See: The Shining and Shawshank.

like blood? yesssss, it ssssustains me