Dickhead Killjoy

The Besser/Turing test ep is my fav.

Obligatory link to Don DiMello discussing his production of Disney's The Little Mermaid at Bumbershoot. Enjoy and Heyyyyynongman!

More like Bad Hatter, amiright?!

Riiight, I saw it a few years back.

Think there is a doc about him still up on ye olde Netflix. Pretty interesting.

Nah, it's cool. Good to rage out bout the oligarchs from time to time, it's kinda cathartic. Glad to hear you're volunteering, keep it up!

lolz, pervert!

*tosses in the garbage with the rest*

Dik wants more dik, dag nammit!

Nice mammary fat deposits, body double!

Totally forgot Hodor hangs dong in the one ep. Was kinda jarring!

Gonna dig into s2 again next week. Having more fun re-watching the old ones than experiencing the new ones fresh.

When you really love
When you really love
A draaaagon

Punching far out of your weight class, bruv. That is a distraction to get you riled up and unfocused on the fuckery going on all around you.

Jury still out on that one.

Usually is. Pretty great innernet station from Cali, Radio Paradise.

This made me so, so happy. Thaaaaanks.

You bent my Hodor.

The cinematography and editing is just so stellar, too. The dialog pops, there was so much attention to detail put into it all, many quiet moments have such an intensity to them.

Thankee, I try!