Dickhead Killjoy

Was re-watching some of s1 last night and man, those first few eps were just so goddamn amazing. It really has gone downhill since then imo.


awww, someone drooled all over it. Sonofa—

scum rises to the top, it's science!

Makes sense.

block block block 'em, that shit ain't welcome here

Never meet your heroes, indeed.

Pass it around, brah

Depends on who you ask. ;)

"He died as he lived: lying to a group of desperate people with a pantsload full of shit."

Something we can all agree on.

Peel the Made in China sticker off
Put Made in America sticker on
Profit $$$

A hot taek for the ages.

followed by Dylan's "Everything is Broken"

Our dependency on foreign imports?

and Isbell's song "White Man's World" comes up on the radio right on cue. Fitting.

Uhhh, uhhh, impeach trump, humiliate GOP, death to all false idols!

how bout a trifecta: impeach, humiliate, death

You…don't hate this shit?

Didn't know he did the voice of Ra’s Al Ghul. Man, the acting on that show…sheesh