Dickhead Killjoy

We liquidated all the copy editors, whudda gonna do bout it?!

Aronofsky remaking Albert Brooks? Bananas.

So, a typical Tuesday then?

*screams, breaks a pool cue over Ello's head*

Where is that Walrus King fellow, he can clear this up. Probably.

Ranch me, brohaim

No, you stop it! Podcasts need to just stay podcasts. Even CBB tv felt weird and wrong mostly.

That Great Minds thing he did was great, though. Should have invested more time into that.

Too many bootleggers at their concerts. Sad!

It's baaaad, oh so bad. Magic Tavern needs to stick to their lane.

Uhhh, have you seen Harmonquest? Absolutely terrible.

Wow, almost lawsuit worthy. Sadly, I think all those things are in the shitty public domain.

Time to re-watch Cutter's Way, a movie I kinda forgot about til now.

Heard about that yesterday. Bummer town.

And, god willing, will re-elect them, too. Fine young men, honest and true.

By the end? Really

Psst, it's just mayonnaise you forgot to wipe off yer face.

Finally, a GoFundMe I can truly support.

wonder if he can coax Swartzwelder out of that abandoned diner he's been hanging out in for the past 25 years…

What is dead may never die. It just ends up on TV Land.