Dickhead Killjoy

Oh, how clever.

There was a show called "You're Welcome"? Seems rude.

Any minute now Firefly will be mentioned and I will roll my fookin' eyes.

Your slack levels are depressingly low, LBJ. Get to it, spud!

Eh, if that doesn't get him, the syphilis will.

Oh, apples, noooo, not science of sleep

Gretchen, take a letter.

Terribly fantastic, you mean.

Every day is exactly the same in hell!

French whimsy especially.

Hear we're getting a new season of Nathan For You. Yayy!

I vaguely remember the Geena Davis one. Whoo-boy.


Deservedly so. It works on so many levels!

Ahhh, so the marketing worked!


Seems like a smart word to describe dumb people, though.

Ohh, you're in deep shit now!

If you cut me, do I not bleed*?

Heyyyy, I'm a people!