Dickhead Killjoy

You're bad, I'm telling.

Because of course it's in Wisconsin.

"Tits, dragons, a dude got his tongue ripped out, and uhhh…warfare politics?"

At least he was getting out of the house…

grandma killjoy suffered a death stroke

*makes jerkoff motion*



No worries, please feel free to share.

The sound design and the cop's reaction were just…perfection

"Not enuff French people in Valerian, too! Mon dieu!"

Pa Killjoy talks about his time in the service a bit similarly. He was up in Alaska during 'Nam, "protecting" it from the Ruskies. He still can't watch war movies. Doesn't help Grandad and Great Grandad were both vets, too. The trauma gets imbedded.

And yet we, as a society, don't seem to learn much from these movies. Keep sending our people off to war and spending billions on killing. The line between education and entertainment blurs.

Nice writeup, duder. Reminds me of Thin Red Line, one of my favs.

Speaking of exploding heads, poor Lillard. That was intense.

{Frank Stallone with the cancerAIDS}

My friend's review was brief "So. Damn. Loud."

Very, very solid.

Yeah, that's probably it with me, too.

Same. Don't think I'm ready to see Dunkirk, either.