Dickhead Killjoy

My quick google skills suuuuuck

Thinking that money went down the ol' KS wormhole. Just checked, the last the internet heard about it was about a year ago.


I've enjoyed his work on multiple occasions over the years. Heart of the Matter and A Burnt Out Case come to mind.

Wasn't there a Kickstarter for a Reading Rainbow reboot a while back? Memory foggy.

Yeaahhh…not sure where that came from. They were universally hated.

I really don't understand the appeal of the MCU or the die hards who continue to shell out $$ to be disappointed, bored and/or angered.

Not in the MCU, boyo.

It's kinda annoying, yeah. The potential is there but it was a pretty disposable read.

Let…let go of me!

*jams furiously on "1" button*

sure, why the hell not

Oh yeah, it got caught in quicksand or something?

But…you'll keep paying to see them, so they'll keep on making them.

*briefly considers selling diapers in the lobby*

a "luck" dragon? Oops!

That is a sick, sick burn. Bravo.

This Choose Your Own Adventure is putting my ass to sleep!

Don't be jelly!
