Dickhead Killjoy

what, c'mon

Vet refused to cremate 'em. Too big, he said, too damn big.

Gave us some damn good animation.

whatever happened to that case?


Like, maybe a movie or two worth watching.

Eh, it's monday… not bad, though

I hear suicide is painless…

We can kinda agree on that. The mood, setting and atmosphere were all pretty great, but the story and characters were just so meh.

Visiting? He won't leave. Hogging the wifi and eating all my hot pockets, too. Sonofabitch.

Tell that to the drunken, enraged 72 year old that won't leave the house.

I mean, the similarities…

Dunno, haven't read the books. But probably!

Oh boyy, you're missing out!

a peninsula near King's Landing, I would assume.

let's just shoehorn some more incest in thar, shall we

season ain't over yet

it's when you fist fight your father for control of the laz-e-boy

can't get 'em up here in canadia… gotta sneak down to NY to stock up

Love their crab chips.