Dickhead Killjoy

Seafood place in Toronto called The Captain's Boil

hehe, least it got a chuckle.

Vegan pizza place called Apiecolaypse Now.

Why, thank you.

I mean, that is a pretty big gaffe. Even I know which fork to use…

I've been wearing yoga pants all week. Co-workers are not impressed.

They should have just made out and called it a day.

RIP, we hardly knew thee.

Yeaaaah…those records were lost in the sands of time

Was our 1st choice, but it declined.

Joe Biden/Santa Claus 2020

*no offense to actual monkey butlers intended

Least he has some semblance of a sense of humor.

Sean Young still crazy as a shit house rat.

when the hell was that

Sean Bean still getting killed on TV and in movies.

Wish they'd start winning more Darwin Awards. Gene pool needs some chlorine, dad!


The series of tubes churns on, spewing ops as facts…

did they ever have "it" to begin with, I wonder.