Dickhead Killjoy

One can only hope Jesus comes back and tells us all to get along better.

Jeff Sessions' screensaver

Hollywood boys club at it's finest.

I can't watch the Taken movies.

Probably true. Made me feel smart, though.

Evidently a lot of people feel more strongly about this one. Those emotions don't just come from nowhere. Possibly because it is an rather dark chapter of American history it hits a bit closer to home. America was the hero in WWII, so it's a bit easier to play around with "what if's" when you're the winner.

True, I guess. People do seem to love to shit on stuff, it's fun. Makes ya feel smart!

The throat ones are worse and more frequent. Like, getting my throat slashed, punched, karate chopped, strangled, et al. It's rough stuff!

no one watched that, though.

I dunno, I think even the one local paper here was like "this is a shitty, stupid idea"

Sexiest POTUS by a long shot.

This. 100% this.

holy shit, yowza indeed

Your opinions intrigue me.

Thinking they are saving her for a more, uh, nefarious end.

Good, simpler times. What the figgity-fuck happened?

aw hell naw

Ladies and Gentlemen, Scott Buck.

whaddya mean, you don't want to see peepaw's o-face??

hoping he dies so we can see him in more terrible commercials.