Dickhead Killjoy

Ain't nothing wrong with diapers, prez wears a diaper

Is that why it burns when I pee?

why does no one see the huge sign "Do Not Feed The Troll People"


Right on, homey, yeahhh.

I don't know you at all!

I have considered getting my pastor's license. Think of the pus one could get…

Oh dear.

Talinda…that's a new one by me!

I get it, you're looking for answers. Memes are not the fucking answer, though.

Oh, sweet sweet Torgo, nooooo

Smashmouth, c'mon!

A meme almost killed Pa Killjoy. Damn near took his head off.

fuckin wow, just wow…

Rough, rough stuff.

Most people do, oddly enough.

McCain kilt himself? oh no

Eh, internets be internetting.

I don't do that anymore. I've moved on.

Too late!