Dickhead Killjoy


You matter to me, ol' buddy.

Morrisey, the ultimate coont

Whu needz cupy edditers?

wooooah, what is happening, shit! RIP

Might give it a spin sometime just to be a Carpenter completest.

Over a 1/4 of Europe's male population dead and he makes a movie about a fuckin' horse.

I love that CSI is such an unrepentant asshole in that.

Hot taeks all around.

Surprised he knew who Ace Ventura was…

I've never seen Starman. huh!

Who isn't? Check me out, guys.

Constantly, my dear.


I like that Alden kid. He's got moxie. And lasso skills!

Evil irishmen and killer halloween costumes, what's the problem?

Neato. Good to hear.

Gotta agree. Such a meh movie.

Halloween II is far superior to Halloween!

"Those are cars, right?"