Dickhead Killjoy

I was actually in a pretty good mood, just drinking cider & trying to stay cool and this mad woman came into the bar and started buying everyone shots. I'll admit it, I ralphed later that evening.



Morality you say.

Starting to see a lot more alt-right haircuts up here in Canada. Worried.

It's implied.

"Well, it's like a regular thimble. But with lasers."

Think my mom was surprised. She figured BB-8 was gonna be a jedi.

Well, it is called HasBRO after all.

"I have become death, destroyer of worlds!" - bartender

I take it most members of the AVC are not fans of this Lena Dunham person.

'Twas quite the scorcher yesterday.This lady was buying shot after shot after shot for the entire bar. Christmas!

Oh shit. Good call.

holy shits, I'm hungover as fuck… tequila and whisky? wtf was I thinking

S10 fuckin' sucked. Let it go, Carter.

Thanks for your service. Retire now please.

Toxicity is def in my top ten best records of the 00's.

Give a hoot, don't poll—

Tell that to literally every single local news station in North America.

No System of a Down, no go.