Dickhead Killjoy

Harbingers of dooooom!

A true 'Merican hero.

#1 cause of diabetes? Fidget spinners. The silent killer.

*shrugs, jams an entire package of Big League Chew into mouth*

You used to be fun. Wha' happened?

think Vice just made that whole thing up.

Rospotrebnadzor, what a handle!

Wanna trade pogs later?

I stand corrected.

Urrgh, I almost gotcha!

Is that monkey in the header image…flipping me off?

It was bound to get stained with goo sooner or later. Shoulda gone with linoleum.

You're referring to the remake, of course

at this point, we've gotten more awesome promos than we're getting episodes! Great job, adult swim!

Thanks, Brexit.

Also, he's really handsy. He pinched my girlfriend once and she squealed in joy!


First, lead paint chips, now this…

It used to perplex me, too, but then I realized everyone has their own way of turning their brains off for a few hours. Some like classical music, some like watching a man destroy another man physically, some like watching a Dominican dude throw a small ball faster than fuck. The Diff'rent Strokes mentality!

Oh man, they're not all good, but that is one for the ages.