Dickhead Killjoy

You take that Latin bullshit and get outta my store!

Did he get that radio gig he was applying for?

For serious? He's only had a few lines so far…and the crying. The crying was pretty good.

While I enjoy R&M, I've grown quite weary of Mr. Harmon. Sometimes the less you know about an artist, the better!

Whaaaat, sometimes the series of tubes gets bunged up!

Gotta pay the usage fees for that edgy, cool soundtrack somehow.

I'm building Dickhead's Ark in the backyard and y'all ain't invited aboard!

Strange is an understatement. This is some next level shit.

Turns out he was the serial killer the entire time. I ain't falling for that shit again, Hollywood!

Uh, this isn't a court, it's a JC Penney, sir.

hahaaa because she enjoys sex, I get it!

Uncle Remus?

It's a fine Irish name, yes it is.

I also have many, many bridges to sell. Overstocked, in fact.

*smiles, continues eating Pairesta's lunch*

Ain't got no Lincoln letters to sell, but I do have a Lincoln log or two I'd be willing to part with…for the right price, of course.

Wow, the Associated Press are sending us letters again.

Lutz sounds a lot like Hutz…

virgin here, virgin irl

That Ignatiy review of The House is an instant classic.