Dickhead Killjoy

Sad thing is, many men (and pumpkins) can relate to that.


Starting to think CBS is running out of ideas…

You'd think there'd be more ecstatic orgies. Maybe a vomitorium or two.

The theremin is making quite the comeback.

Doctor Miss?

Eh, it was OK. He slips into that effeminate mid-western kinda voice a bit too often for my liking.

The you tube comment section on Harrison Bergeron is hi-larious, ohmigod

What's the over/under on this not getting made?

Lord Nelson, the British World cup teams post-1966, an affordable flat in London, and last, but certainly not least, the Spice Girls.

Makes the poor feel…not so poor?

*smashes Anton with aluminum foil chair*

Check it

They eventually got him with the ol' death mask.

Uh, whoops!

Hey now, let's not drag the masterpiece that is Monkey Jesus into this.

shotguns a beer, screams about the bible and writes overrated prose

"Paint a picture of me. But make me look like absolute shite, please."

What era? So many to choose from.

The english language is a sly dog, ain't she?