Dickhead Killjoy

Ms. Who, please.

We're changing the money over. Let's gut the NHS to pay for it, shall we?

why not throw some fictional characters in there, too?

thought he was a thigh fucker

Oh, that sharp Canadian wit.

With a name like Carney, you'd think people would love 'em.

Taquitos? I assume a rather large quantity of taquitos.

"Forcing people to read Austen since who-can-remember-when. Now we're forcing her onto our money. Chip chip cheerio!"

yeahhh, baby

Oy vey, the cramped quarters, Herschel, and the heaaaaat, enough to boil the manischewitz I snuck past space customs!

Pa Killjoy sez we're distantly related to Lincoln. I don't believe him.

The people at Starbucks always look at me weird when I order that.

Plenty o' boobs here at the AVC. Overstocked, in fact. Really affecting the AVC currency. Trading poorly vs the dong.

Gotta have goals, I guess.

She was well known for her sense of humor.

*fly scoffs, heads towards nearest dung pile*

"Empty my chamber pot, Stubbins."

Kosher pocket lint!

That intro to his Netflix special was superb. Shame about the rest.
