Dickhead Killjoy

Sheeran didn't get the memo, I guess.

but 14 year old boys and girls are their target demographic.

Fart Sandwich, wetbutt, it has been a banner month for silly internet names getting into it with corporations!

“He was a little bit on the nose”

they still calling the beer "America"?

What? I saw him crush a sealed tall boy of Natty Ice with his LEFT hand just last week! It exploded and some got on my shoe.

lol nice

Joe's up for the job, Joe knows reacharounds.

So many usages of the n-word in that chapter. And his editor said he scaled it waaayyy back!

The rock n' roll president we all would have enjoyed doing a keg stand with.

The Train Goes Choo! Choo!: A Life in The White House

I think nostalgia plays a large part in such movies. Not 100% but a large part.

Some quotes for the inside cover:

Delaware Deuce: The Joe Biden Story

Alright, who's first?

everlasting gobstopper my ass!

Shoulda ran for prez, Joe. Shoulda ran for prez.

You complained about my curry last week! Get your own damn lunch!

What's for lunch today?

I don't understand the love for that movie. Watched it recently and found it to be utterly unremarkable.