Dickhead Killjoy

Well, now I've got a project for my cousin next time I babysit. Thanks, AV Club!

"He died as he lived. Clutching a gun, sweating and struggling to breathe."

Yeah, I just couldn't hack it. Really rankled my ire when they blew up the WHOLE TOWN instead of just the church in s1.

$11.2m and the director went to jail? Yuge!

I bailed after the first season. Good to see others are finally waking up to what they're doing to these already well written characters. I bitched in the 1st season and was told to shut up on here.

What, no cabinet position for Walrus King? You must at least be on the list for the new Department of Walrus Affairs.

Yeah, I've heard similar things. They're high on my bucket list.

Truly is a surreal time to be alive…

Probably a lot of work to change out of the costume to go #2, so I'd wager a lot of them utilize the diaper.

Jesus, just make more of the mini NES already.

Or they both go down in flames.

Yeah, they're really laying it on thick here.

Had a feeling the hunter had become the hunted! Just a matter of time before he ended up in a dank cage somewhere, sodomized by an endless procession of Japanese businessmen.

Where memory?

Thanks, jam!

Tastier than wood paneling, that's for sure. And healthier, too!

Wait, why is ElDan bound and gagged in a —-

Mercury and lead alloy? Those are materials I can get behind!

Seems like a bad trend. Heard complaints from many other festival goers over the past month or two.

Beats the hell out of Yeah, It's A Han Solo Origin Movie: Whaddya Want?!