Dickhead Killjoy

This situation got a bit more morbid, as the buffalo lay there for about 3 hours , legs straight up, before staff closed the area off, which led to some fairly amusing quotes from parents.

'Bout time!

Yeah, it really helped with perspective. I realized a lot of my behavior, both online and off, was very troll-ish and unhealthy. Getting away from it all definitely made me wake up.

Cool, cool. A buffalo died at the local zoo the other day. It was kinda old, but still pretty depressing.

This court has devolved into a shit throwing mad-house, Your Honor…

Yeah, that is what was pure torture about the last time I was out of work. The lack of resolution(s). Almost drove me nuts!

I dunno, seems some of the die-hards kinda consider it "animal jail" from what I've heard.

Oh, wow, OK, yeah, that is different. Getting a gravy job!

I did take a break earlier last year and kinda re-assessed some things. Pa Killjoy is quite the cynical guy and I found myself becoming more and more like him, which I found terrifying. Tossed the phone/computer and went to live in the jungle for a few months. It was pretty amazing.

North o' the border. Think they're playing Montreal, one of the fests. Tempting, but i am so broke this summer.

lol at the ineptitude

Why did we liquidate all the copy editors?!

I rolled my eyes so hard at "Ape-ocalypse Now" they almost burst out of the top of my head.

Aimee Mann at the zoo? Thought she was a big animal rights person. Might be mistaken.

"Having fun with that collating, eh, Cube?"

Cool, good luck! I just got a job offer from a company I interviewed with in December. Fuckin' idiots, I've had three jobs since then!

Destin'd fo' th' pauper's grave, 'e is!

Hot Taek alert! And on a Monday, too!

Eh, i was in the same situation a while back. Best of luck. And follow up with those interviews! Squeaky wheel gets grease.

Think Muse is coming to town soon. Apparently they put on a helluva show. Kinda meh on their music, it's OK.