Dickhead Killjoy

What kind of spiders? Better be 'Merican!

Hmm. Dougray Scott you say. Interesting.

Killmonger. Seems a bit on the nose, no?


Terrible, TERRIBLE photoshop. Like, breathtakingly bad.

where I can find these "intelligent people" you refer to?

lolz I got Windows 7, the best Windows!

Instagram filter my life!

Goddamnit, I only play the american version, One.

"Haha, look how stupid their internet is!"

Mind if I bring some Mad Dog 20/20?

mmm… reminds me, I gotta get my projector working and do Point Break in the backyard before the summer disappears.

Emily's List…is that like Schindler's List?

Shouldn't have listened to Manafort, buddy!

Soooo….are there more or less rape jokes?

*splatters Captain with suntan lotion*

Head like a fuckin' thumb.

Oh, cool, another Libertarian joins the ranks. Fuckers.

Seems mean, reminds me of mom. Wouldn't want to have a beer with her.