Dickhead Killjoy

Betcha can't walk and chew gum at the same time, too, eh?

Pa Killjoy used to trick us into paying to get yelled at.

Ira Glass gets me horny AF.

No, my benefits plan pays for that.

Wait, I have to pay to get yelled at?

Robbie would be a shoe-in for either of those roles.

Man alive, when will the royal family obsession stop?

You're an unlucky man, Ed Blumquist.

or check out the fantastic Kero Kero Bonito instead.

Deep dream? More like deep nightmare!

There has to be at least 10 film students out there frantically splicing together docudramas and old stock footage then running it through deepdream, thinking they're goddamn geniuses.

Sheesh, slow your roll, DJ. I'll trip how I wanna!

Jesus, also my cousin.


What a bizarre, surreal time to be alive. Fancy ass bowling alleys, now I've seen everything!

Ohhhh man, tempted to make a Jim joke…

Nietzsche too German for y'all?

From what I've seen, they don't seem to dwell on the "be excellent to one another" part much either, though…

That explains a lot!

Could be that, too.