Dickhead Killjoy

Explains all the bowling shoes.

No respectable bowling alley has fancy ass Grey Goose.

Not sure if that means box cuttered or blown up.

"Sir, as I've told you multiple times, we don't have fries on the menu!"

Y'all got that Polonium Sriracha dipping sauce?

No, You Shut Up! is the worst goddamn title for a TV show.

How much you get for it?

Napoleon's Lament!

I got carried away with emoooootion.

Cool, will try to track some of 'em down.

First season was rough as hell, I concur. Almost too heavy.

I'm still really pissed! We waited, what, over a year for a 3 ep finale pretty much? If not, it felt like a year.

Three fuckin' episodes for this masterpiece of a show.

I am starting to think they're not making these types of movies for us anymore, guys.

They recently announced there will be a third season.

Man, seriously gonna miss this show! What a rare delight. But it was so, so damn good while it lasted.

Amen to that.

The judge appeared to be quite bothered by that "H".

Of course it was terrible. Its carrot cake.

Oh, cool! Got lost in the flood.