Gay panic? Someone get Nathan Rabin back here!
Gay panic? Someone get Nathan Rabin back here!
Real answer: https://stronglang.wordpres…
Everyone's talking about "Black Mirror" and how that Season 1 episode "The Waldo Moment" kinda predicted Trump. BUT it was that pilot episode, where the Prime Minister is forced to have sex w/ a pig on live TV and afterwards still has a political career that's proved really prescient. People aren't shocked anymore,…
hehe, you definitely could make a nice supercut out of "Sorkin and Anderson characters giving orders."
I never really considered that before, but seriously every Anderson film has a lot of scenes like this. Leadership is a big theme for him.
This story buries the lede: the grand prize for this contest is you get to voice a character in the movie. That's pretty cool, even if it's just one line.
They both do love scenes where a guy in charge rapidly barks orders to subordinates and uses lots of industry jargon.
I'd actually like another director to tackle an Anderson script, I think it would prove he writes good dialogue/stories even when you remove his production design/art direction/cinematography/soundtrack.
If you have brothers, Darjeeling really resonates.
That garage flashback scene is really well done.
Plus, good performances by Owen Wilson and Adrien Brody.
1) Royal Tenenbaums
2) Rushmore
3) Grand Budapest Hotel
4) Fantastic Mr Fox
5) Bottle Rocket
6) Darjeeling Limited
7) Life Aquatic
8) Moonrise Kingdom
I think you have to see "Rushmore" and "The Royal Tenenbaums" (in that order) before you completely write him off.
"Moonrise" is definitely my least favorite of his. A lot of people hate on "Darjeeling" but I personally like it.
A lot of writers do this "white" = "boring/lame/square" shtick, which I'm just completely over.
I hate HA2 and they're showing it a lot more than part 1 on TV this season (probably because of that Trump cameo).
That homeless pigeon lady is the worst part! That last scene, Macaully gives her a Christmas tree ornament (how about some cash instead?) and then he's like "OK, I'm gonna go back to my luxury hotel room…
Odd that AVC missed that detail. Michael McKean was in the Broadway production.
He had the gall to compare himself to The Beatles and the press killed him for it. But when Kanye compares himself to Jesus, Picasso, and Steve Jobs it's just waved away as hip hop braggadocio.
I don't know if anyone watches "Empire", but that show has a totally misguided view of hip hop that live performance is the most important aspect of that scene. There's like up-and-coming rappers playing clubs, trying to get discovered, which is a rock thing, not really a rap thing. Playing live is an afterthought for…
And then we got Baba Oje in the house
He's just, he's like the papa, the father figure
That's Mrs. Shabadoo, common mistake.
I like it, except for that "even the terrorists were halfway decent" garbage. Twin Towers in '93. '96 Olympics pipe bomb. Oklahoma City '95.
That line totally stuck out ("powerhouse?")
Would it be redundant for David Lynch to direct it?