Sum Gui

I think it's because it's kind of gamey-tasting, and the average Americans palettes isn't down with that.

I was with you on this site's slide into buzzfeed-territory with their coverage of politics and "trending" topics. But this, this is something everyone should be focusing on, unfortunately - it's just that fucking bad right now.

$1 sounds a lot like a 1993 movie "Twenty Bucks" which follows a $20 bill around as it changes hand and actually has a really good vignette with Steve Buscemi and Christopher Lloyd:

Kill "The Driver"
Marry "Drive"

Appreciate the response, even if my aggressive post probably didn't warrant one. I largely share this site's politics, but the constant Trump=traffic articles irk me because it strikes me as a clear departure from "the good old days" when the site really focused on film and the arts and had a staff who all had their

"Even here at The A.V. Club, our political coverage (as it were) routinely outdraws everything else by thousands of pageviews"

It's great that history will show that plenty of informed, educated people understood all this. But the sad truth is that we're probably going to have to let things get awful and people will have to suffer greatly before the proverbial voter-who-votes-against-their-own-interest stops buying the bullshit talking points

It works well for bands, you just put "Fuck" or "Pussy" in your band name and you're guaranteed some press.

A *white guy*?! How awful!

Go back, there was never this much straight political coverage.

Sigh, it's just a buzzfeed/Gawker/Vox wannabe now. Nothing like the old days, where it approached the level of a great film journal.

I wasn't a Sanders supporter. But you are mistaken if you think Sanders supporters cost Hillary the election. It was less than 100k people in 3 states.

Bert & Ernie are not featured on Sesame Street very much anymore, they're essentially just used as extras and they don't do any skits with Ernie annoying Bert in their apartment. It's a shame, it's partly because of the show updating for modern audiences by focusing more on the "chiId" characters, but I feel like it

Aw :(

There is a commentary track for Roger Avary's "Rules of Attraction" featuring Carrot Top (who has absolutely nothing to do with the movie).

Don't forget "Taking a shit"

I can appreciate that Bob O. is upfront about being kind of a dick to people in real life. I think he's mellowed a bit (now that he's had some mainstream success with Breaking Bad/Saul), but dig this anecdote, where Bob basically blows off the guy who ends up being his biggest collaborator:

I miss the days when the AV Club was the AV Club…

Considering it's one of the worst things ever published on this site, I'd say it's justified.

The author of this article is an absolute lightweight.