
Ok ok cool. I'm just a year older than you? Well, now I feel young.

It's like, expectations are high now, bongoes. GET ON TIM'S LEVEL!

Thank you, son. Now, go make me dinner. I want 4-cheese mac and cheese. And get a job!

I missed the boat on using that phrase two days ago and now I'm sad!

Thank you, Narwhal, my cranky older brother I always wanted!

I wasn't saying how nice it would be! I was saying that it would feel really gratifying.

I've had murderous tendencies all my life…. hey, bongoes

I don't know what that means but I gotta do it now!

It's perfect, Occams

Thank you, Foley artist!

Thank you Dr. ReginaFingers! Happy belated birthday to you!

Shit! How much!? I can pay you in babies! My adopted brother's half siblings are here and it's adorable! You can have all of them.


Jesus, babe! You're lucky you're still in NY because otherwise I would have slapped you to Tuesday! Hehe

I can see that.

I watched it last week when I was sick. I liked a lot of it but I hated when it would zoom in and the image would become blurry and weird. Like, what even is the point of that? If you're going to try to make a beautiful movie, don't add that shit in. It was also goofy as hell during some parts.

I've been excited for Mike and Phil reuniting ever since they first introduced Mike at the end of that season 1 episode. I even semi-predicted their reunion. I thought that when they met up again they would start visciously fighting until they became too tired to fight. And it was probably going to be over something

I definitely think he should come back like next season. Or whenever Son of Zorn isn't filming he can do LMOE. I'm still in denial about Mike and I have every right to be!


It won't be perfect until they get Mike back! I miss that guy.