
Fork everyone who is saying that Fantastic Beasts won't be good. It's Alison Sudol's big screen debut! Of course it'll be amazing!

Spotify has been releasing songs from every episode each week. I don't know why Period Sex is up there.

I think I'm one of Adam Scott's cronies.

That's bullshirt, Ege, and you know it.

Shockingly, that wasn't my favorite song of the night! Although I super loved that one too. My favorite was "It Was a Shitshow" just because it made me laugh really unexpectedly and it was pretty poignant.

One of the songs this week is now in my top 5 fav CXG songs list, birches!

Damn. Well, you looked pretty young before. I have a picture of you saved on my…. laptop. DAMMIT! My laptop is broken and now I've lost the only photographic evidence that you exist!

Give it 20 years, man. Won't be looking too great then. I'll be super overweight and saggy.


We looked at your pictures, y'all. Oh how you've all aged

Forkin' holiday breaks. Why do shows go on break just when I have the time to watch them! It's bullshirt

If we had our way, we'd move in together right away. But we're dummies.

I would move out of my parents house after a few months of him living out here so my parents can grow trust in him.

Sliders and Doritos.

Burgers are a little pricey too. How about Jr cheeseburgers

Green. Card. Wedding. Bitches.

Selina might do something like accidentally send the nuclear codes in a sext, but Trump would fucking tweet them out to impress Putin or something.


Honestly, I don't think Veep can be funny anymore. It's like whatever political shannanegans and colorful people they have on Veep, nothing compares to the shit Trump and his bad hombres will track into the White House.