
Yeah, although it would have been pretty cool to have it move for half a second every 30 seconds. Donglover, ya done goofed


Fuck that other guy for thinking he could ride on Trump's coat tails!
At the very least, Trump will keep to his word about giving back states' rights so we don't have to worry about too much bullshit going around in the rest of the country.

Listen to your big part. It sounds like it knows what it's talking about.

Me too but that's probably because I'm incredibly sick right now.

Charlotte ain't bad.

Such a millennial cat. Wh'evs

I don't know if that's in his contract.

Skype isn't letting me sign in. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll probably sleep in like 20 min or less

Seems like forgetting my children will be a recurring theme from now on.

Are you serious? I need to meet this fellow 1995 baby. We have so much to dish about like The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and A Goofy Movie.

Those words are like the equivalent of that urban legend of the woman coming home to find that the babysitter roasted the baby alive in the oven.

You hear that?

That's kind of funny.

*quietly while staring off into the mid-distance*
Shit a dick and fuck it.

Tables and Chairs, bongoes.

At least was the Pence won't embarrass us in front of our neighbor friends.

Police brutality rates are probably not gonna get any better.

I'm reeling!

It's called a metaphor!