
Quirky! Comfort me!

Let me know who they are so I can straight-up murder them.

Bathroom law McGee stays for another term.

In the immortal words of my skit club president:

I have Skype on my phone right now



If we're going out, we're going out in the blaze of glory!

You're older than me but I could use an obedient son. Yessss. That pleases me very much.

Good time to be a college skit group? Sure. Let's let the pain guide our art

At this point, I am considering that. Pat "Bathroom Laws" McCrory is in the lead right now.

First I get super sick and miss an exam, then my computer breaks completely, and now our country is getting set to becoming Republican in the exec branch, senate and house. This might be the worst day in history.

AWWWW. Little buddy got away

Too close for comfort, amiright!?

At least Pat "Bathroom Laws" McCrory is losing in my state

Hey! I voted, people!

Awwwww. How did you guys know that half a large taco is the perfect portion size for 5 ft 1 me!?

That's so funny! I sort my comments by My Privates First.


Yeah, all you have to do is collapse the comments and then no one else can see this thread.