
The urethra looks really small, man. Honestly, I think I might have felt it during that period that everyone experiences when they spend a little too long in the bathroom because they're secretly inspecting their genitals, but I don't think I took note of it or even noticed it. Maybe at some point I heard about it,

I don't think we did any sex education in high school but we did have a week-long thing in the 5th grade but that was pretty much just about puberty.
You would think they would at least show us a chart and explain it in detail or something!

You overestimate North Carolina sex education courses and our knowledge of basic sex information.

I mean, the holes down there. I had no clue about the pee hole. NO ONE TOLD ME ABOUT THE PEE HOLE!

Adventures in Being An Idiot… After Dark
Legit question: Did anyone else think that women only had 2 holes: the vagina and the butthole?

I still have time to watch him watch Holes!

Nope. Birdie Cloaca.

One in every 51 Brazillians have my last name. 4 million Brazillians.

Full-on Spanish over here.

Silly, Eggy. My first name Birdie not my last name.

Most prevalent in (descending order) Brazil, Portugal, Mexico, US, and Mozambique

You're so fancy and responsible.

She said that my cousin should spend more time praying than she does keeping her legs open. She threatened to leave the house if we put the baby in a costume this year. She said that my cousins aren't real mothers because they're single parents who let their respective mothers take care of the babies. She said that

My sister is the worst human being I know, but I'm not allowed to murder her because it would make my mom all sad and shit. The most infuriating thing about my sister is that no one else is really willing to confront her about the stupid shit she says, except for my mom a tiny bit.

That's going to be a problem. I am related to roughly one quarter of the local demon population.

I hope she meant witch doctors just to save my own sanity.

You're right. That would be super creepy.

Help. My sister told me that mental illness is caused by demon possession and that it can be confirmed by doctors. Quick! Start pitching ways on how I can stop being related to her.