

Oh, I do that all the time like when I'm preparing a bottle of milk. A lot of the time, I offer my baby brother to any family members that could hold him. Dude is getting heavy.

Young Alba looks so much like Jane that I thought it was actually Jane for a split second. Best young person casting hands down is the girl they got to play young Hannah Simone on New Girl. http://i.i-m-g-u-r.com/ABUU…

It's honestly not that bad. Many of the performances are great and most of them are at least decent. The writing is very inconsistent but it's never boring, and I think there's a legitimately intriguing mystery. The highest rated episode so far on the AV Club (B+) was an episode written by Ryan Murphy himself, which I

Yeah. It is legit good. Rachel Bloom is somehow just as charismatic as Gina Rodriguez. It's almost unfair how lucky the CW is to have both of them.

Yesssss, that's a good one. His appearances on Comedy Bang Bang are great. bongoes loves the German guy and I love the Kid Detectives character.

Yeah, he's had a couple interviews on Conan in a short amount of time and you can tell that Conan has fun with him and actually watches and likes his show.

I like/am attracted to both. Those two give great interviews and are both ridiculously funny in their own distinct ways. Conan LOVES Tommy Middlestein, but after this interview with Nathan, I think he might end up being Conan's new favorite. It's heatin' up!

Watch out, Thomas Middleditch! There's a new CoCo golden boy in town.

Ew. Definitely not talking about that. Unless you're saying that slinking into dewlaps is both something you're good at and something you enjoy doing.

Is the overlap so much fun? You can slink down into the overlap and make bubbles in it.

If only I could make a career out of talking about myself…

Baking cupcakes
Wigging my index finger involuntarily
Getting organized (staying organized is another story)
Solving TV/movie mysteries (as long as the clues aren't hidden). The only thing I really understand is the TV/movie logic behind creating mysteries.
Drawing/Writing sometimes (although you guys are


Mateo was wearing the same onesie pjs that our baby has over here! I believe those too are a Target brand (Carters).
We spoil this kid WAY too much. He has a full wardrobe now. A baby. Wardrobe. A human being who will grow out of his clothes in like 3 months.
hashtag team michael emoticon smile with smile coming out