
I think everyone except bongoes is Team Michael. He's Team Raphael. BONGOOOESSSSSS!

Damn. Now I want Chinese take-out.

Fun party trick!


When I do it with my right hand, my left hand freaks out but when I do it with my left hand, my right hand still twitches a lot, so I think you have a very slight case of it. I figured out that I have it when after a long afternoon of taking notes for class, my left hand and arm was in pain. I had no idea that most

Mirror Movement Twinsies! You now may have a new disorder thingy. Have fun with that.

Happy birthday, Stingo. emoticon: cake, emoticon: celebration, emoticon: balloon, emoticon: s'more

In the loosest sense.

Yeah, I forgot that Denise tried to defend herself with the taser.

I'm almost completely sure they're going to try to make her more vulnerable and give us a reason to sympathize her. The problem is that in a movie, this takes like an hour max to get the job done. In this rate, we won't see any dynamic changes for like 6 more episodes (how long is this season?), which is ridiculous

I think Chanel is sort of street smart and fierce waaaay deep down inside. The show really hides that side of her under layers of bullshit characterization and "dark humor." I guess I just imagine her being in a terrible version of It's Always Sunny. It's telling that she survived her only fight with the Red Devil and

I know that's the security cameras will come into play at some point but it's just really weird that Chanel, being one of the smartest of the group, didn't find the need to figure out who the Red Devil is or reported it to the authorities or something. Of course, this could all be brushed off with a single joke about

Chanel kinda just revealed that she has security cameras all over the sorority and now I wonder why that hasn't been utilized. There's no way that Chanel is dumb enough to have this valuable resource at her disposal and not use it to find out who the Red Devil is. The Red Devil attacked her and her minions a few times

On purpose?

So instead of watching the third episode of Scream Queens, watch this movie! Or instead of watching Scream Queens altogether, watch this movie! Although, it would be cool to have more commenters here to talk about Scream Queens…

I look at this and I look at Scream Queens and I wonder why I'm putting up with that shit when I could be watching awesomeness like The Final Girls. Imagine Scream Queens being as cool as this movie… It would blow my mind on a weekly basis.

I'm not sure if anything she did was very notable, but she does have a very active hilarious presence on the screen.
