
The Final Girls. Get on that. iTunes, amazon, theatre. I haven't seen It Follows just yet (this month, I swear) but from the trailers, The Final Girls is even more stylized than that, which doesn't necessarily mean that The Final Girls is better but it gives you an idea of what you're in for. It is crazy gorgeous and

The Final Girls. Get on that. iTunes, amazon, theatre. I haven't seen It Follows just yet (this month, I swear) but from the trailers, The Final Girls is even more stylized than that, which doesn't necessarily mean that The Final Girls is better but it gives you an idea of what you're in for. It is crazy gorgeous and

Good for Hector! Just skip the third episode, ok.

Dear Ryan Murphy,
This is how you send a strong, feminist message regarding unwanted male attention.

I just want to remind everyone that Final Girls becomes available on iTunes on Friday. Some good people in it, like your old pal Tommy Middlestein (Conan reference). Has anyone seen it yet?

I feel like they're going to go to the least expected person of the whole group which might be Gigi because she's so sweet and played by Nasim. I also expected the Chanel No. 2 girl because her dumb girl shtick was dumb and I wanted to find a reason why a girl would say such dumb things. Oh, is she pretending to be an

Yes, but more slasher-y which is my favorite part.

It's a lot more fun than Scream: The Television series but that's not saying much. There are some legitimately good parts of the show like the security guard and then there are the parts where you go, ugh this part is super unhealthy for for and it's distasteful and I hate it. Again, deep fried snickers bar.

Scream Queens is the TV show version of a deep fried Snickers bar. Does anyone have ugh Scream Queen murderer theories? My theory is that Gigi is the concerned friend from the 1995 party and when the bathtub girl died, she raised the baby who grow up to be Joe Jonas. All I know is that Joe is bathtub baby. One

I hope you choke on coconutty heaven goodness.

You stupid, stupid man. You have doomed us all!

We are all the manifestations of one commentator's insanity. We haven't decided which commentator is the real one. Until we do, we remain trapped in the dark abysses of the internet.

send me some

Yes! My intuitions were right about the show. I am also very worried about it getting cancelled since it's one of the handful of new shows I'm picking up this season.

You thank your lucky stars it didn't start flying at you.

Has no one talked about the two main guests on today's Comedy Bang Bang?

I ran into the same problem. *hashtag sad face*

I stopped watching after I realized how many times this terrible storyline has been done before: Jess gets on her high horse about something, one of the other guys tries to shake her beliefs in an incredibly humiliating way for her, and it eventually backfires on the guy and/or she learns her lesson. It happened when


Your threat sounds more threatening than my threat.