
If any other person gets cast instead of those two, I am boycotting everything Star Wars.

I am really wondering if they could maybe have them co-lead because it would be a complete waste to not cast both of them. Maybe sisters? WHAT. It could happen.

How the fucking long has this news been out and no one told me! Honestly, I would be OK with either one of them getting a part in the movie because they're both amazing.

The last few episodes is the hardest part when I rewatch shows. A Community rewatch would be really hard for me because it really did stop being a TV show and it became a friend and one of my life's greatest comforts. Jesus Christ, I hope they don't wait like 10 years to reunite the cast.

Ever since the episode aired (came online), I've been really into that album. Perfect usage on the episode. Perfect all around.

Tears, just tears

I saw the series finale again and I gotta say, I think it hit me harder this time than the first time I saw it. It might be because now I know that it won't be returning for another season and the movie is years away. We really did say goodbye to an old friend and we didn't even know it.

booooo Death to Narwhal!

What if I like to listen to How Did This Get Made?'s Sucker Punch podisode a couple times a year!?! So every podisode that I might regret not saving I have to download! Why, that's in the hundreds!

Did anyone know that South Carolina is the only state that recognizes a state spider? And now SC retains its place as the weird cousin who no one thinks about until it tries to pull a gun on everyone at the family picnic.

I hate flower smells! (Except for the obvious ones that actually smell nice.) Why do people always sniff flowers in movies? It's like sniffing a tree branch. For me, I just think Inca Kola has a general candy taste.

1. PEPSI (or really any cola)
2. Dr. Pepper
3. Sprite
4. Coca-cola Vanilla
5. Fanta
6. Tropical
7. Inca Kola

It is just crazy insane that he's never had a carbonated drink in the 21 years of his life in America.

You know how fucking insane you sound right now?

It's all shits and giggles until Trump puts his face on the new $10,000 bill and goes to war with China because they complain too much about him screwing them over.

I saw the first episode of the season on TV and I could not make out one word of Mads' dialogue. The soundtrack is fine for me but I guess I wouldn't really know if I'm missing anything.

Same. I've been rewatching Psych lately which is an appropriate show to watch while giving formula to a baby. Hannibal is not. Plus, I always have to use headphones while watching Hannibal because the show has incredibly quiet dialogue. I can't really use headphones while babysitting.

I don't remember any favorites of mine that go to number 1 in any charts. So, Good Burger.