
The second girl was the best friend of the girl Britta thought was a lesbian in the Valentine's Day Dance episode. She's on like every other commercial these days.

Damn, I have never wished more for a gross strip club owner and a vengeful body mod surgeon to get together than I did watching American Mary. HE LOVES YOU, MARY! RUN TO HIM! DON'T YOU QUIT HER, STRIP CLUB OWNER! THEY WERE SO CUTE TOGETHER

Oh wait, I forget that I had an ounce of water today. I might not have to pee for the next 12 hours.

Time to start the old bathroom sit-in. NO PEEING UNTIL WE REACH 10,000!

I will not be impressed until they start dropping "assbutt" around.

Talkin' Telenovelas

I thought they dropped it too so I rechecked the AV Club emails and nothing was ever mentioned about dropping the show or even missing a week. Maybe they figured that they should just treat the show as half-assedly as the show treats itself.

For some reason, I can't find any reruns of the third episode and the AV Club review for it has never shown up. If I didn't know any better, I would go investigate its disappearance, perhaps in these darkened woods….

You'll watch Hannibal first.


I guess I give them points for trying something different, although I'll give them more if they were self-aware and satirical about the scene. I haven't seen the new episode yet. Worse or better than the last too?

I heard that the scene was re-filmed in 3D! Now, we can all see the boy in the wheelchair coming right at us.

If I remember correctly, no one liked the idea of a Scream tv show but thinking about it now, if they did add more meta-ness and self-awareness directly into the show. Played with story structure and concepts. Killed all the current writers and tossed them off a boat into the ocean. Hired new writers, perhaps with a

I think Noah is my favorite character so far, which is saying a lot for the rest of the series because he hasn't done much. I don't know if people like the actress that plays Audrey or the character Audrey, but I gotta say, Bex's character is super boring. There is way too much romance plot lines happening at the same

Oof. I think their relationship works on paper. I think at the end of movies the nerd usually gets one of the hot girls and here you get to see the actual initial attraction and romance play out. It's just that the actress that plays Riley is really bad. Nothing she says sounds natural to me. She's going on Disney


FOTHER MUCKING TATIANA MASLANYYYYYYYYY! It feels so good seeing all her characters in the category with the rest of those one-character peasants.
Episodes is still on? AND it got an Emmy nomination?
Shameless is still on? Still not as surprising as Episodes still being on.
House of Pies.
No Gina Rodriguez. The Lead