
Go eat peanut butter, motherflipper.

I think it's usually put under the category of thriller. While I normally hate thrillers, this movie seemed to understand how to create thrills better than most horror movies.

The biggest mystery behind that diner is whether or not there's a woman's bathroom. Actually, the house behind the diner I go to is kinda Texas Chainsaw Massacre-y.

There is some fun in trying to decipher it. Of course there's no way of knowing the real answer unless one of us is willing to *chat* a bit with David Lynch. Sometime in the day-night behind a diner.

I don't know why I just want to think of it all as two parallel universes that sort of touch base with each other in different ways but most significantly with the box and the key. I think in reading the article, I'm getting into the dream explanation a little. At first, I was a little frustrated that Lynch didn't

The amount of tension brings me back to The Shining. A lot of horror movies take real suspense for granted these days.

Then what explanation of the events do you like best?

I saw Mulholland Drive for the first time today. My absolute favorite part was how much suspense there was throughout the film. It was really quite terrifying how tense it was and after the first major scare (you know the one), I couldn't trust it not scare me again. Why aren't more horror films made like this one? *rh

I was watching the season premiere with my mom and for the life of me, I could not understand what anyone was saying most of the time, especially Mads. I'm bad with understanding people with accents so I'm a terrible person.

I'm fine with watching Hannibal on the NBC website. The only problem is how quiet the show is, which I always find to be a problem on websites so it could be my hearing. Also, Hannibal has very quiet dialogue.

I don't like sleeping when its hot! Also, its hotter in my room usually.

I think we can settle for the fact that I'm a dummy. Related (but not really), I'm also the weirdo that is weirdly ok with my house being 85 degrees F. I'm wearing long pants and everything! The only thing is that we have an adopted baby now so we're trying to get a hold of our air conditioner guy but he hasn't

For a few hours, I thought it was July. I looked down at the box on the bottom left and saw 6/16/2015 and my mind went "Yep, that's definitely July", which gave me a half-panic attack when I decided to look up Freshman Orientation dates and saw that the last one was on the 10th. Who wants to start a petition with me

I like the guy's brother's response to it. (link at the bottom of the article) The brother doesn't think his sibling is dumb or crazy. He knows that the couple is simply wrong and he wants the people of the internet to put their disagreement to actual good use.

I'm sure you could make do with Chocolate Oreos but the taste and look would be kinda weird. Plus, with Golden Oreos, you can easily tell when the chicken is done by the brown-ess of the breading.


E!'s New Money makes me miss one of my top favorite segments of Kroll Show. This is a ridiculous show full of ridiculous people, but I can't figure out if it's any good. It could do with some more surreal moments, maybe. Or change the voice-over commentator guy. His voice is pretty cheesy. I wonder if they can sneak

Changes to Hannibal that would occur if it were on different TV networks (including premium and what the hell online too)? I can dolphinitely see Hannibal being canceled and changing networks by third or fourth season.

Who the fuck was telling these parents that this event was kid-friendly? Especially the after-dark part that looked like a drug-induced rave party.