
He's watching the movie. You know which one. I don't need to tell you. He'll be back by around 1 EST, I think.

We visited my aunt at the hospital. She's doing well, I think. A little bit of a fever. She had swelling in her brain and they cut out part of her skull. She's responding a little now. They're going to do a second surgery to reattach the portion of the skull. My cousin and I got lost at the hospital, despite the way

There are more than one Super Smash Mario Brothers game?

Oh, I was just talking about an earlier season. I've been ignoring it too a bit. The part when they take sweet Jake and have Jenna cheat on him with Matty and all of the suddenly he turns into a super jerk. It's not as bad as a transformation as it was on the telenovela. Hugo, the main character's new husband, finds

Fake incest. Since both the main character and the romantic interest guy #1 thought they were siblings, before they found out that his mom cheated on him with another dude, who's surprisingly really nice, considering that his mom is a bitch.

One of the worst things a television show can do is take a gentle and kind and generally awesome character and suddenly turn him to a raging asshole/attempted rapist. I'm looking at you, Al Diablo Con Los Guapos! (Also, Awkward.) Also also, why are you casting a 14-15 year old girl to play the main character while the

Happy birthday, NBC. And may you live a thousand more years. As it is said, it shall be done.

now i want a quesadilla. with grilled steak and lots of cream. and some tacos with extra onions


That was my second answer behind Prince. Or Cary Grant. I was just mainly thinking about handsome white guys from the black and white times.

I'm taking that as a yes. It's either this or more Hostel 2 porn.

Can I watch?

As long as you don't put gay things in mine.

You guys are terrible people. Think about that. The person who is jerking off to Hostel: Part 2 thinks you are terrible people.

Italian food next season! They're going through the good ones really fast. Maybe they'll go more obscure fourth season.

Cat attack!

I'm in the middle of creating an epic story (in my head) and one of the characters is actually modeled after you. Her main characteristic is that she is strong, mentally and physically. She is sort of a warrior character with a kind heart. She's been through a lot of shit in the past, but every day she looks forward

When do you guys every have vacation? We have summer vacation over here, but I don't seem to remember you ever having a break.