
"If the world were truly just, Donald Trump would be hocking 17-year-old Hyundais in a vacant Youngstown, Ohio lot and Sean Spicer would be his mascot on the sidewalk, holding a “No Credit, No Problem” sign, dressed in a giraffe costume, and using his lunch breaks to masturbate in the bathroom of the Arby’s across the

Damon, I 1000 percent understand how you feel. I've spent my whole career studying, writing about and litigating the lives black and brown and black and brown queer people. I feel like I've spent my whole career explaining colored people to white people and especially explaining colored queer people to white queer

The only shred I'm hanging onto in this whole Yeezy situation is that the man went basically straight from a mental hospital to Trump Tower. I keep saying he ain't right and keep hoping he'll wake up.

You know Lawrence Otis Graham changes the channel when that song comes on, but no way Ben Carson and Armstrong Williams don't get down to that song. Don't forget the black jesus in Ben Carson's house! http://verysmartbrothas.com…

When my grandfather is 93, he was weak and in the hospital and the doctor comes to us and says with a very stern face: "Your grandfather is an alcoholic we need to detox him." My mother and I look at each other and go "why?" I know if my grandfather had the strength in him, he would have gotten up out of that bed and

We should all live in a country where we vie for the approval of Michelle Obama, we'd be a better place and we'd definitely eat our vegetables. We might sneak a cigarette now and then, but we'd be embarrassed when she caught us and gave us that look: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

So I saw this movie as well last night. And what I found really awkward (and which was wholly invented) was the fact Nat Turner was inspired to rise up after some white folks raped his wife. All it made me do is go "Hmm…. Okay, that's a real interesting fact you invented there Mr. Parker and Mr. Celestin. Do we need

Have you ever read one of his books? I tried to read Bobos in Paradise once but halfway through I was seriously considering suicide. Instead I just drank bleach and felt way better.

You can appeal your guilty plea, but it is VERY VERY difficult. I would not recommend, attempting. You would basically need someone else to confess to the crime, which is maybe what Naz needs to get out of this mess anyway.

1995 wasn't so bad either. Poverty's Paradise was peak Naughty by Nature, the Roots were killing it with Do You Want Me More?, Pharacyde had Labincalifornia, ODB had Return to the 36 Chambers, let's not forget Me Against the World or Mobb Deep the Infamous. 1995 can almost definitely buy you a drink.

White Castle is aight, but In n' Out is everything that is good and great about America. Also tacos may be our superego and ego, but burritos are our id.

Don't forget Mark Furhman still gets regular work on Fox News and who knows where else (actually don't tell me, I can pretty much guess where he is invited to speak).

I can confirm #6. I was in Vegas, it was 2 a.m. and my friends and I were dragging, so we stop at a bar for one final drink. We meet two 60+ black women who were partying so hard and were so happy we started dancing with them. They invite us back to their place to smoke some medical marijuana and they had us partying

I'm referring to his time before he went to an all-white catholic high school. And really I'm only speculating on why he may be the way he is. I don't disagree with your analysis, in the end none of it holds up to scrutiny, because if every black kid who was made fun of by another black kid in school became a Clarence

That literally is the mystery. I know so many black folks his age who were treated like him but didn't give up on the race. It just don't make no sense. That's why I compare him to my father because why didn't my father grow up to be so bitter and enraged as Thomas? It ain't because my grandmother was some sort of

It ain't only his parents fault, such as blame needs to be laid, it's the fault of all those high yellow brothas and sistas who laid into Clarence day after day, year after year for his charcoal black skin, Jackson five nose, gullah accent and suspect parentage. He has now made it his mission to put all those brothas

I think we all got our hearts broken by D'Angelo, Nas, Lauren and the list goes on (does anyone remember when we thought Arrested Development was woke and conscious and fly? Yeah, me either). We're just breaking up with our singers before we get our hearts broken and before we get a little dizzy and start thinking

Did y'all forget Aaliyah existed already?

Harriet Tubman once asked Oliver Johnson, a prominent abolitionist, for $20, to free her father. He refused and so she staged what was likely the first ever recorded sit-in. From " Scenes in the Life of Harriet Tubman" by Sarah Hopkins Bradford:

Look, I know some white people who make a dope potato salad, so I'm not going to rule that out. I have not met any white people who know what to do with Collard greens though.